19 February 2015 Daniel Andrews’ announcement today in no way replaces the Coalition’s Country Roads and Bridges Program and will still leave country councils $40 million short every year. By calling them “country” programs Daniel Andrews is trying to hide the fact that the $85 million will actually be spread across all of regional Victoria…

Yet another Daniel Andrews talk-fest

13 February 2015 Daniel Andrews and the Labor Government should be ashamed of their hypocrisy in announcing a review of regional Victoria’s priorities while at the same time drastically cutting regional Victoria’s funding. If Daniel Andrews knew anything about regional Victoria he would understand communities want safer roads new recreation centres and public halls and…

Labor fails on country roads

Thursday 12 February 2015 Country Victorians will be dodging more pot holes than ever on their local roads because Daniel Andrews has ripped $375 million out of the rural roads budget. Daniel Andrews had refused to continue the popular $160 million Country Roads and Bridges Program and is also snatching money from other rural road…

Telstra Business Awards Open

10 February 2015   Nominations have opened for the 2015 Telstra Australian Business Awards. The awards recognize the best in Australian small and medium business helping them to reach new levels of success. The Nationals Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh encouraged businesses in the Murray Plains electorate to give serious consideration to nominating for…

Call for Extension of Firewood

9 April 2014 Member for Murray Plains and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh has called on the Environment Minister Lisa Neville to extend the cut-off date for people wanting to collect dry firewood from the Barmah Forest National Park.   Mr Walsh said it is unfair that the government intends to close the forest…

Local Students Receive Science Scholarships

14 July 201 Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh visited MacKillop College today to meet two students whom he has sponsored with science scholarships. Mr Walsh said he was pleased to assist the students in taking part in such an exciting opportunity. Jacinta van Roosmalen and Kimberley Archard have accepted…